Add api key
POST /settings/apikeys
Name | Description | Type | Mandatory |
description | API key description | String | Yes |
iPFilterEnabled | Restriction IP | Boolean | No |
allowedIPs | Array of IP | Array of String | No |
Name | Description | Type |
id | API key Id | String |
hash | Login | String |
key | Password | String |
iPFilterEnabled | If ip filter is enabled | Boolean |
allowedIPs | Array of IP | Array |
description | Description | String |
createdAt | Datetime on timestamp format | Int |
updatedAt | Datetime on timestamp format | Int |
enabled | If the API key is enabled or not | String |
Programming language:
Request exemple:
{ "description": "My first API key" }
Response exemple:
{ "id": "5f6ze54f6ze54f6ze5f4ze74", "hash": "fe6z45f6ze5f4ez6f4ze6f54zef9c5d8", "key": "3fzefze987f9ze8f7ze65f4ze654fzeb0", "iPFilterEnabled": true, "allowedIPs": [], "description": "Application", "updatedAt": 1438768285, "enabled": true }
Code example:
curl -X POST -d '{"description":"test","ipFilterEnabled":false,"allowedIps":[]}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "X-Tipimail-ApiUser:YOUR_SMTP_USERNAME" -H "X-Tipimail-ApiKey:YOUR_SMTP_KEY"
require 'vendor/autoload.php'; $tipimail = new Tipimail\Tipimail('YOUR_SMTP_USERNAME', 'YOUR_API_KEY'); try { $result = $tipimail->getSettingsService()->getApiKeysService()->add('Description'); var_dump($result); } catch(Tipimail\Exceptions\TipimailException $e) { echo 'Exception received :', $e->getMessage(), "\n"; }