Emails status

To efficiently manage your emails deliverability, it is important to understand how they evolve and what are their status.


Received by Tipimail (1st step)

A resquest has been received by our platform. You sent us this request by SMTP or API. Two status can result.

  • Error: the SMTP or API connexion returned an error message. It can be the result of a wrong request syntax, an incorrect username …
  • Pending: no error returned. The email will be treated.

Treated (2nd step)

From here, the treatment is done on our side in order to deliver the email. If any error occurs, a return will be made immediatly to inform you that we are not able to deliver the email. Different actions can be made, especially if a moderation has to be done.

  • Treated : The email has been treated by our platform and did not experience any problems. Tipimail is about to deliver it.
  • Rejected : The platform refused to send the email. This refuse is mainly related to the addresses blacklist. This list contains recipients' addresses that no longer exist, that expressed their will to no longer receive your emails through unsubscribe or complains. The platform has been programed to avoid sending emails to addresses present in this list in order to preserve your reputation and your receipients' decision.
  • Error : The platform experienced and error and is enable to correctly deliver the email. This error concerns the email's structure that was not detected during the sending (1st step). Check that there is some html and/or text content, that the adresses' syntax is correct
  • Deffered : Your email is pending. It has been placed in a queue and will be treated as soon as possible. This pending is the result of too many emails in a short period of time. In order to prevent your reputation and IPs, we throttle the sendings. It will be sent later.
  • Accepted : the moderation gave a positive feedback over the email. It will be sent.
  • Depleted : no more credits available. Your emails are kept 24h in our database until your formula renewal.
  • Pending moderation : the sending must be ckecked over our anti-spam policy respect. Please read our anti-spam guideline.
  • Filtered : the recipient's address exists in one of our blacklist. The email won't be sent.
  • Scheduled : then sending is planned by our platform. The emails are stocked on Tipimail's servers waiting for your go.
  • Quarantine : the moderation gave a negative feedback over the email. Please read our anti-spam guideline.

Delivered (3rd step)

The email has been inspected by the platform, didn't experienced any errors and can be sent to the recipient.

  • Delivered : the email was sent to the recipient and we did not receive a negative feedback. It does not mean it was placed in the recipient's inbox. It may be in the spam folder.
  • Bounce : the email was sent to the recipient and returned a bounce error code. Different bounces exist:
    • Harbounce: the email address does not exist. It may be the result of a typo mistake, or the recipient's domain may be unreachable.
    • Softbounce: the email address exists but it impossible for us to deliver the message in the inbox. The origin could be a full mailbox, IP blacklist from the ESP, delayed because of the ESP's quota. If the quota is reached, the emails will be queued.

Read (4th step)

The email reached your recipient.

  • Opened: your recipient opened the email. A 1x1px transparent image is inserted inside every emails sent through the platform. When the user opens the email, a call is made to our servers to load this image. It allows us to know the email was opened. Beware, some providers may block the images is the recipient does not know the sender for exemple. Then it may be impossible to tell if the email was opened.
  • Clicked: your recipient clicked on a link contained in your email. Your link must be tracked by our services. By clicking it, your recipient will be first redirected through our servers before reaching the link's destination.
  • Unsubscribed: your recipient clicked on a special unsubcription link. This link adds the recipient on a list or send your a notification. to identify this link, it must be tracked by us and identified as an unsubcription link.
  • Read: the email has been opened more than 5 seconds by its recipient.
  • Complaint: your recipient did complain about your email.
    • Maybe he unsubscribed but you kept sending him content.
    • Maybe he was not concerned by the content (anymore).

The platform keeps a record of any recipient's complains in order to avoid sending unsolicited emails that could harm your reputation.