Get email platforms

Post /statistics/emailplatforms/{type}

URL parameters:

Name Description Type Mandatory
/ All technologies used to read the email String No
/webmails Filter by webmail String No
/webmails/total Total per webmails String No
/applications Filter by application String No
/applications/total Total per applications String No


Name Description Type Mandatory
dateBegin Date begin on YYYY-MM-ddThh:mm:ss format Int No
dateEnd Date end on YYYY-MM-ddThh:mm:ss format Int No
froms Array of Senders email Array No
apiKeys Array of api keys Array No
tags Array of tags Array No


Name Description Type

An array with information about email opens return on date / First day of the month

Name Description Type
open Number of open Int
name Application's or webmail's name String
type Type (application or webmail) String
Programming language:

Request exemple:

								"dateBegin": "2019-01-20T09:00:00",
								"dateEnd": "2019-01-21T22:59:59"

Response exemple:

									"1438387200": [
											"open": 16,
											"name": "CHROME 43.0.2357.130",
											"type": "application"
									"1441065600": [
											"open": 1,
											"name": "FIREFOX11 11.0",
											"type": "webmail"
											"open": 10,
											"name": "CHROME 44.0.2403.89",
											"type": "application"
											"open": 8,
											"name": "CHROME 45.0.2454.85",
											"type": "application"
											"open": 4,
											"name": "OUTLOOK2010 14",
											"type": "application"
											"open": 2,
											"name": "CHROME 42.0.2311.90",
											"type": "application"
									"1443657600": [
											"open": 6,
											"name": "CHROME 45.0.2454.85",
											"type": "application"
											"open": 4,
											"name": "CHROME 45.0.2454.101",
											"type": "application"
											"open": 1,
											"name": "THUNDERBIRD3 38.2.0",
											"type": "application"

Code example:

								curl -X POST -d '{"dateBegin":"2019-01-20T09:00:00","dateEnd":"2019-01-21T22:59:59"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "X-Tipimail-ApiUser:YOUR_API_USERNAME" -H "X-Tipimail-ApiKey:YOUR_API_KEY"
require 'vendor/autoload.php';

$tipimail = new Tipimail\Tipimail('YOUR_SMTP_USERNAME', 'YOUR_API_KEY');

try {
	$dateBegin = null;
	$dateEnd = null;
	$froms = null;
	$apiKeys = null;
	$tags = null;
	$result = $tipimail->getStatisticsService()->getEmailPlatformsByDate($dateBegin, $dateEnd, $froms, $tags, $apiKeys);
	$result = $tipimail->getStatisticsService()->getWebmailsByDate($dateBegin, $dateEnd, $froms, $tags, $apiKeys);
	$result = $tipimail->getStatisticsService()->getWebmails($dateBegin, $dateEnd, $froms, $tags, $apiKeys);
	$result = $tipimail->getStatisticsService()->getApplicationsByDate($dateBegin, $dateEnd, $froms, $tags, $apiKeys);
	$result = $tipimail->getStatisticsService()->getApplications($dateBegin, $dateEnd, $froms, $tags, $apiKeys);
catch(Tipimail\Exceptions\TipimailException $e) {
	echo 'Exception received :', $e->getMessage(), "\n";


public class Example {
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		Tipimail tipimail = new Tipimail("YOUR_SMTP_USERNAME", "YOUR_API_KEY");
		try {
			nteger dateBegin = null;
			Integer dateEnd = null;
			ArrayList<String> froms = null;
			ArrayList<String> tags = null;
			ArrayList<String> apiKeys = null;
			HashMap<String, ArrayList<StatisticsWebmailOrApplication>> emailPlatformsByDate;
			emailPlatformsByDate = tipimail.getStatisticsService().getEmailPlatformsByDate(dateBegin, dateEnd, froms, tags, apiKeys);
			HashMap<String, ArrayList<StatisticsWebmailOrApplication>> webmailsByDate;
			webmailsByDate = tipimail.getStatisticsService().getWebmailsByDate(dateBegin, dateEnd, froms, tags, apiKeys);
			StatisticsWebmailOrApplicationOpen webmails;
			webmails = tipimail.getStatisticsService().getWebmails(dateBegin, dateEnd, froms, tags, apiKeys);
			HashMap<String, ArrayList<StatisticsWebmailOrApplication>> applicationsByDate;
			applicationsByDate = tipimail.getStatisticsService().getApplicationsByDate(dateBegin, dateEnd, froms, tags, apiKeys);
			StatisticsWebmailOrApplicationOpen applications;
			applications = tipimail.getStatisticsService().getApplications(dateBegin, dateEnd, froms, tags, apiKeys);
		catch (TipimailException e) {