
CodeIgniter is a PHP framework. CodeIgniter natively integrates a class to quickly and easily send your emails. You just have to set your SMTP credentials to send your email with Tipimail. You find more information on the official documentation of Code Igniter

Framework configuration

Create and edit the file "config/email.php" on the config folder of your CodeIgniter project. This file will contain the settings for connecting to the SMTP relay and will be loaded automatically

				| -------------------------------------------------------------------------
				| Configuration EMAIL
				| -------------------------------------------------------------------------

				$config['protocol'] = 'smtp';
				$config['smtp_host'] = '';
				$config['smtp_port'] = 25;
				$config['smtp_user'] =  'tipimail smtp username',
				$config['smtp_pass'] = 'tipimail smtp password',
				$config['crlf'] = '\r\n';
				$config['newline'] = '\r\n';
				$config['mailtype'] = 'html';

Send your email

You just have to use the CodeIgniter native function to send your emails

				$this->email->from('email_expediteur', 'from name');