Add/update a domain

Post /settings/domains


Name Description Type Mandatory
sending Domain name with extension String Yes
tracking Tracking domain String Yes
email Email where send domain confirmation String Yes


Return confirmation that the domain is added and the DNS record needed to validate the domain.

Name Description Type
id Domain id String
sending Domain name String
tracking Tracking domain name String
createdAt Datetime on timestamp format Int
updatedAt Datetime on timestamp format Int
verifiedDkim If the DKIM is validated or not Boolean
verifiedSpf If the SPF is validated or not Boolean
verifiedMx If the MX record is validated or not Boolean
verifiedA If the A record is validated or not Boolean
verifiedTracking If the Tracking with CNAME record is validated or not Boolean
verifiedDomain If the domain is verified with email confirmation Boolean
default If the domain is used as default or not Boolean
Programming language:

Request exemple:

								"sending": "",
								"tracking": "",
								"email" : ""

Response exemple:

								"sending": "",
								"tracking": "",
								"id": "55e80030be1cd6e38c0dd5d9",
								"accountId": "558ba57199325a268857c230",
								"createdAt": 1441267761,
								"updatedAt": 1443516927,
								"verifiedDkim": true,
								"verifiedSpf": true,
								"verifiedTracking": true,
								"verifiedMx": true,
								"verifiedA": true,
								"verifiedDomain": true,
								"default": false

Code example:

								curl -X POST -d '{"sending":"","tracking":"","email":""}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "X-Tipimail-ApiUser:YOUR_SMTP_USERNAME" -H "X-Tipimail-ApiKey:YOUR_SMTP_KEY"
require 'vendor/autoload.php';

$tipimail = new Tipimail\Tipimail('YOUR_SMTP_USERNAME', 'YOUR_API_KEY');

try {
	$result = $tipimail->getSettingsService()->getDomainsService()->save('', '', '');
catch(Tipimail\Exceptions\TipimailException $e) {
	echo 'Exception received :', $e->getMessage(), "\n";