Get api key

Get /settings/apikeys/{id}

URL parameters:

Name Description Type
id API key Id String


Name Description Type
id API key Id String
hash Login String
key Password String
iPFilterEnabled If ip filter is enabled Boolean
allowedIPs Array of IP Array
description Description String
createdAt Datetime on timestamp format Int
updatedAt Datetime on timestamp format Int
enabled If the API key is enabled or not String
Programming language:

Response exemple:

								"id": "grkejhgrkehgtrkghu546544",
								"hash": "fe6z45f6ze5f4ez6f4ze6f54zef9c5d8",
								"key": "3fzefze987f9ze8f7ze65f4ze654fzeb0",
								"allowedIPs": [],
								"iPFilterEnabled": false,
								"description": "Site Tipimail",
								"createdAt": 1435847615,
								"updatedAt": 1438778437,
								"enabled": true

Code example:

								curl -X GET -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "X-Tipimail-ApiUser:YOUR_SMTP_USERNAME" -H "X-Tipimail-ApiKey:YOUR_SMTP_KEY"
require 'vendor/autoload.php';

$tipimail = new Tipimail\Tipimail('YOUR_SMTP_USERNAME', 'YOUR_API_KEY');

try {
	$result = $tipimail->getSettingsService()->getApiKeysService()->get('646r54g6r4gr6g46g46546d4');
catch(Tipimail\Exceptions\TipimailException $e) {
	echo 'Exception received :', $e->getMessage(), "\n";