What is deliverability ?
Deliverability is a complex task to send emails on your recipients’ mailbox. Deliverability depends on several things described below.
Your reputation
IP address
To send emails from our platform, we use our own servers and networks. Each server can be identified by the ISPs (Internet Service Provider) through its IP Address. ISPs keep history of the sent from an IP and they are capable to identify IPs which send a lot of bounces, spam or unwanted emails from the good IPs.
To increase your reputation and not only be known through the IP address, you can add your domain. Domain is often your brand name or the name that clients know you. Domain name is used for your website, your email (it’s the expression after the @ on your email)...
ISP use several ways to avoid phishing and block non solicited content. You have to conform to the rules imposed by ESP to let them accept your messages and be coherent on your email structure
- First way is to sign your email to confirm that you have sent the email and not an usurpator. DKIM protocol is made to do this ( more details about DKIM).
- Confirm that your are the sender of the email with SPF ( More details about SPF).
- If you have several IP address, used always the same from your transactional emails. Because this kind of sent must arrive on your recipient’s mailbox whereas marketing emails are not solicited and can be impact your IP reputation
- Used the same domain to create your link
Frequency, cadence, volume and throttling
Companies like Google, Yahoo, Orange, which provides the most mailbox on the world, are watching the amount of emails sent per IP address to block spammer.
To prevent our IP address and your reputation, we have defined an amount of emails to send per day and per month for each plan. But we are flexible and we allows you to send emails over quotas depending on your reputation and your historic. So if you want to increase the amount of emails you’re sending currently, you’ll need to increase gradually the volume.
The idea is to establish the same protocol than us to warm up the IP and inform the ISP that your send is legal.
The content of your emails
A lot of ISP scans content of emails, looking for keywords, clues to identify spammer. Because your content is legal and destined to a recipient, you have to proof this. Several clues can be used:
- Use a from email address belonging to your domain
- Personalize the content? don't use only one picture
- Track links with your domain or sub-domaine
- Personalize the content according the recipient (change the name and first name for example)
- Avoid words using by spammers: money, contest, porno, drugs, …
- Don’t used short URL
- Size of your email. Keeping it between 15KB and 100 KB
- Ratio between the text and the image used on the content
For more details to set your domain on Tipimail.
The hygiene of your database
Your contact lists evolve on time.
- Perhaps some people don’t want to receive your emails anymore
- They changed or deleted their email address
- …
The risk of writing on this type of email address is for you to reject for your recipients or worse to be identified as a spammer with ISPs. It is therefore important to keep updating your contact list.
In addition, some ISPs use email addresses as spam trap. This lets them know if you keep updating your database, if you regularly contact the recipient, and especially if you have not found or purchased an email address list or if you attempt to write to an email address at random.
To manage your contact list, we advise you to:
- Segment your recipients to separate the bounces, unsubscribes from the others, recipients contacted there are x days, …
- Clean regulary your base
- Synchronize your database between the several system used
- Reengage your recipients
- Used double opt-in via a confirmation email to be sure to have the good email address.
For more details about this subject, you can read these articles:
Deliverability is an art and not only a science. We (both you and us) have to juggle according the requirements of the ISPs. If you follow our advices, you increase the chance to deliver your email on the recipients’ inboxes.
To resume and if you notice deliverability problems, please do this actions:
- Clean your database
- Check and handle complaints and unsubscribes
- Check email address of your recipients with double opt-in
- Re engage inactif user through marketing program
- Realize a technical audit on your configuration: spf, dkim, IP used, from
- Check if you’re marketing program is the one the same IP than your transactional emails
- Change your content
The best way to improve deliverability is to send email with the right message, to the right person, at the right time, with the right frequency.